
Digital Printing Services


Pen - PE-105

Gift pens are an important tool for corporate promotion and brand advertising, favored for their practicality and high cost-effectiveness. The product types include ballpoint pens, fountain pens, pencils, highlighters, and stylus pens, catering to various needs. Many gift pens offer customization services, allowing for the printing of company logos or slogans, further enhancing brand exposure. These pens are not only highly practical and affordably priced but also suitable for bulk purchases, making them widely applicable to different audiences.

Product Information

The pull-out paper advertising pen is a creative writing instrument that combines writing and advertising functions. Its feature lies in the extendable paper, allowing users to write or print advertising content easily. This pen is compact and lightweight, making it convenient to carry, and is often used in meetings and events, being both practical and effective in enhancing brand visibility.
Product Size: 145 X10 mm
Packaging Method: OPP Bag
Production Time: 15 Working Days
Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): 500 and above

優惠價 HKD 0
Lead Time:At least 15 working days

Price List

Quantity 4C+4C Average
500 $ 1,940.00 $ 3.90
1000 $ 2,430.00 $ 2.40
2000 $ 4,180.00 $ 2.10
3000 $ 5,730.00 $ 1.90
Quantity Single-Sided Single Color Silk Screen Printing Average Laser Engraving  Average
100 $ 1,100.00 $ 11.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 11.00
300 $ 2,110.00 $ 7.03 $ 2,070.00 $ 6.90
500 $ 3,010.00 $ 6.02 $ 2,920.00 $ 5.84
1000 $ 5,180.00 $ 5.18 $ 5,140.00 $ 5.14
Quantity Single Color Silk Screen Printing Average
100 $700 $7.00
300 $980 $3.27
500 $1,230 $2.46
1000 $1,930 $1.93
Quantity Single Color Silk Screen Printing Average
100 $760 $7.60
300 $1,100 $3.67
500 $1,400 $2.80
1000 $2,340 $2.34


*Please be aware that all the prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Lead Time

*The delivery time for each gift varies and depends on the quantity ordered and the availability.
*Collecting from branches +1 working day (Start from the date when customers confirm the proof)


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