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Digital Printing Services

Full Colour Wire-o Booklet
Full Colour Wire-o Booklet
Full Colour Wire-o Booklet
Full Colour Wire-o Booklet

Full Colour Wire-o Booklet

Wire-o Booklet do not have page restrictions. The inside page can be opened 180 degress and displayed smoothly. It is necessary to consider and reseve the position of punching hole to avoid affecting the content.
Offset printing is suitable for a large quantity, and the price is also cheaper in large qunatity. Offset printing is colorful and detailed. You can choose single color or full color as your needs. 

Product Information

e-print provides Booklet / Brochure / Catalog / Pamphlet printing services with different binding options, including Saddle Stitching, Perfect Binding and Sewn Perfect Binding. You can print your book by black & white or full colour with different turning style. e-print also provides free paper cartons packaging which let you pick up your book easily and safely.

優惠價 HKD 0
Lead Time:At least 6 working days

Full colour Wire-o Booklet Criteria

  A4 A5
No. of Inside Pages 32PP-144PP
MOQ 100pcs up
Size of Inside Pages 297(H) x 210(W) mm 210(H) x 148.5(W) mm
Size of Cover 297(H) x 210(W) mm 210(H) x 148.5(W) mm
Color of Cover Double-sided Color Printing
Materials of Cover 128g Gloss Art Paper, 157g Gloss Art Paper, 210g Coated Art Paper, 250g Coated Art Paper,,260g White Woodfree, 300g Coated Art Paper
Color of Inside Page Double-sided Color Printing
Materials of Inside Pages 80g Woodfree Paper, 100g Woodfree Paper, 120g Woodfree Paper, 140g Woodfree Paper, 128g Gloss Art Paper
Method of Binding Double Wire-o (Black, White Color)
Finishing Items Laminating, Hot stamping

Price List - A4 Full colour Wire-o Booklet

QTY. 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
32PP $3,781 $4,388 $4,905 $5,841 $9,377 $11,728
40PP $4,718 $5,393 $5,965 $7,066 $11,576 $14,028
48PP $5,468 $6,221 $6,899 $8,101 $12,761 $15,638
56PP $6,404 $7,226 $8,011 $9,237 $14,775 $18,016
64PP $7,154 $8,054 $8,935 $10,246 $15,936 $19,617
72PP $8,139 $9,223 $10,284 $11,851 $18,837 $22,946
80PP $8,889 $10,072 $11,193 $12,847 $19,932 $24,539
88PP $9,826 $11,125 $12,227 $14,094 $22,097 $26,864
96PP $10,576 $11,957 $13,113 $15,077 $23,251 $28,449
104PP $11,529 $13,026 $14,259 $16,151 $25,330 $30,861
112PP $12,262 $13,843 $15,130 $17,109 $26,479 $32,324
120PP $13,233 $14,928 $16,291 $18,366 $28,636 $34,727
128PP $13,949 $15,615 $17,146 $19,311 $29,784 $36,165
136PP $14,937 $16,707 $18,323 $20,581 $31,830 $38,559
144PP $15,635 $17,486 $19,163 $21,513 $32,972 $39,971
cover 210G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $4,916 $5,583 $6,220 $7,331 $11,727 $14,723
4PP+40PP $5,853 $6,588 $7,280 $8,556 $13,926 $17,023
4PP+48PP $6,603 $7,416 $8,214 $9,591 $15,111 $18,633
4PP+56PP $7,539 $8,421 $9,326 $10,727 $17,125 $21,011
4PP+64PP $8,289 $9,249 $10,250 $11,736 $18,286 $22,612
4PP+72PP $9,274 $10,418 $11,599 $13,341 $21,187 $25,941
4PP+80PP $10,024 $11,267 $12,508 $14,337 $22,282 $27,534
4PP+88PP $10,961 $12,320 $13,542 $15,584 $24,447 $29,859
4PP+96PP $11,711 $13,152 $14,428 $16,567 $25,601 $31,444
4PP+104PP $12,664 $14,221 $15,574 $17,641 $27,680 $33,856
4PP+112PP $13,397 $15,038 $16,445 $18,599 $28,829 $35,319
4PP+120PP $14,368 $16,123 $17,606 $19,856 $30,986 $37,722
4PP+128PP $15,084 $16,810 $18,461 $20,801 $32,134 $39,160
4PP+136PP $16,072 $17,902 $19,638 $22,071 $34,180 $41,554
cover 250G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $4,946 $5,648 $6,270 $7,446 $11,912 $14,878
4PP+40PP $5,883 $6,653 $7,330 $8,671 $14,111 $17,178
4PP+48PP $6,633 $7,481 $8,264 $9,706 $15,296 $18,788
4PP+56PP $7,569 $8,486 $9,376 $10,842 $17,310 $21,166
4PP+64PP $8,319 $9,314 $10,300 $11,851 $18,471 $22,767
4PP+72PP $9,304 $10,483 $11,649 $13,456 $21,372 $26,096
4PP+80PP $10,054 $11,332 $12,558 $14,452 $22,467 $27,689
4PP+88PP $10,991 $12,385 $13,592 $15,699 $24,632 $30,014
4PP+96PP $11,741 $13,217 $14,478 $16,682 $25,786 $31,599
4PP+104PP $12,694 $14,286 $15,624 $17,756 $27,865 $34,011
4PP+112PP $13,427 $15,103 $16,495 $18,714 $29,014 $35,474
4PP+120PP $14,398 $16,188 $17,656 $19,971 $31,171 $37,877
4PP+128PP $15,114 $16,875 $18,511 $20,916 $32,319 $39,315
4PP+136PP $16,102 $17,967 $19,688 $22,186 $34,365 $41,709
cover 260G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 1500 pcs 2000 pcs 2500 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $5,081 $5,868 $6,515 $7,741 $10,705 $12,397 $13,880 $15,558
4PP+40PP $6,018 $6,873 $7,575 $8,966 $12,569 $14,596 $16,080 $17,858
4PP+48PP $6,768 $7,701 $8,509 $10,001 $13,435 $15,781 $17,276 $19,468
4PP+56PP $7,704 $8,706 $9,621 $11,137 $15,379 $17,795 $19,446 $21,846
4PP+64PP $8,454 $9,534 $10,545 $12,146 $16,245 $18,956 $20,730 $23,447
4PP+72PP $9,439 $10,703 $11,894 $13,751 $18,561 $21,857 $23,707 $26,776
4PP+80PP $10,189 $11,552 $12,803 $14,747 $19,409 $22,952 $25,041 $28,369
4PP+88PP $11,126 $12,605 $13,837 $15,994 $21,331 $25,117 $27,124 $30,694
4PP+96PP $11,876 $13,437 $14,723 $16,977 $22,179 $26,271 $28,451 $32,279
4PP+104PP $12,829 $14,506 $15,869 $18,051 $24,035 $28,350 $30,607 $34,691
4PP+112PP $13,562 $15,323 $16,740 $19,009 $24,878 $29,499 $31,833 $36,154
4PP+120PP $14,533 $16,408 $17,901 $20,266 $26,795 $31,656 $33,981 $38,557
4PP+128PP $15,249 $17,095 $18,756 $21,211 $27,638 $32,804 $35,185 $39,995
4PP+136PP $16,237 $18,187 $19,933 $22,481 $29,468 $34,850 $37,325 $42,389
cover 300G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $4,976 $5,713 $6,335 $7,541 $12,097 $15,158
4PP+40PP $5,913 $6,718 $7,395 $8,766 $14,296 $17,458
4PP+48PP $6,663 $7,546 $8,329 $9,801 $15,481 $19,068
4PP+56PP $7,599 $8,551 $9,441 $10,937 $17,495 $21,446
4PP+64PP $8,349 $9,379 $10,365 $11,946 $18,656 $23,047
4PP+72PP $9,334 $10,548 $11,714 $13,551 $21,557 $26,376
4PP+80PP $10,084 $11,397 $12,623 $14,547 $22,652 $27,969
4PP+88PP $11,021 $12,450 $13,657 $15,794 $24,817 $30,294
4PP+96PP $11,771 $13,282 $14,543 $16,777 $25,971 $31,879
4PP+104PP $12,724 $14,351 $15,689 $17,851 $28,050 $34,291
4PP+112PP $13,457 $15,168 $16,560 $18,809 $29,199 $35,754
4PP+120PP $14,428 $16,253 $17,721 $20,066 $31,356 $38,157
4PP+128PP $15,144 $16,940 $18,576 $21,011 $32,504 $39,595
4PP+136PP $16,132 $18,032 $19,753 $22,281 $34,550 $41,989

Price List - A5 Full colour Wire-o Booklet

QTY. 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
32PP $2,072 $2,494 $2,857 $3,560 $6,001 $7,621
40PP $2,977 $3,410 $3,778 $4,514 $7,263 $9,355
48PP $3,008 $3,499 $3,958 $4,841 $8,364 $10,207
56PP $3,727 $4,239 $4,753 $5,655 $9,023 $11,254
64PP $3,758 $4,327 $4,933 $5,956 $9,603 $12,032
72PP $4,703 $5,367 $6,062 $7,188 $11,409 $14,409
80PP $4,734 $5,482 $6,242 $7,527 $12,485 $15,246
88PP $5,453 $6,248 $7,037 $8,329 $13,224 $16,275
96PP $5,484 $6,362 $7,217 $8,630 $13,805 $17,037
104PP $6,389 $7,305 $8,180 $9,498 $14,902 $18,763
112PP $6,420 $7,419 $8,370 $9,835 $15,955 $19,595
120PP $7,139 $8,185 $9,155 $10,618 $16,682 $20,620
128PP $7,170 $8,300 $9,335 $10,912 $17,251 $21,378
136PP $8,076 $9,242 $10,298 $11,878 $18,516 $23,156
144PP $8,107 $9,362 $10,503 $12,216 $19,557 $23,910
cover 210G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $3,187 $3,659 $4,067 $4,885 $7,546 $9,751
4PP+40PP $4,092 $4,575 $4,988 $5,839 $8,808 $11,485
4PP+48PP $4,123 $4,664 $5,168 $6,166 $9,909 $12,337
4PP+56PP $4,842 $5,404 $5,963 $6,980 $10,568 $13,384
4PP+64PP $4,873 $5,492 $6,143 $7,281 $11,148 $14,162
4PP+72PP $5,818 $6,532 $7,272 $8,513 $12,954 $16,539
4PP+80PP $5,849 $6,647 $7,452 $8,852 $14,030 $17,376
4PP+88PP $6,568 $7,413 $8,247 $9,654 $14,769 $18,405
4PP+96PP $6,599 $7,527 $8,427 $9,955 $15,350 $19,167
4PP+104PP $7,504 $8,470 $9,390 $10,823 $16,447 $20,893
4PP+112PP $7,535 $8,584 $9,580 $11,160 $17,500 $21,725
4PP+120PP $8,254 $9,350 $10,365 $11,943 $18,227 $22,750
4PP+128PP $8,285 $9,465 $10,545 $12,237 $18,796 $23,508
4PP+136PP $9,191 $10,407 $11,508 $13,203 $20,061 $25,286
cover 250G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $3,217 $3,689 $4,107 $4,945 $7,651 $9,846
4PP+40PP $4,122 $4,605 $5,028 $5,899 $8,913 $11,580
4PP+48PP $4,153 $4,694 $5,208 $6,226 $10,014 $12,432
4PP+56PP $4,872 $5,434 $6,003 $7,040 $10,673 $13,479
4PP+64PP $4,903 $5,522 $6,183 $7,341 $11,253 $14,257
4PP+72PP $5,848 $6,562 $7,312 $8,573 $13,059 $16,634
4PP+80PP $5,879 $6,677 $7,492 $8,912 $14,135 $17,471
4PP+88PP $6,598 $7,443 $8,287 $9,714 $14,874 $18,500
4PP+96PP $6,629 $7,557 $8,467 $10,015 $15,455 $19,262
4PP+104PP $7,534 $8,500 $9,430 $10,883 $16,552 $20,988
4PP+112PP $7,565 $8,614 $9,620 $11,220 $17,605 $21,820
4PP+120PP $8,284 $9,380 $10,405 $12,003 $18,332 $22,845
4PP+128PP $8,315 $9,495 $10,585 $12,297 $18,901 $23,603
4PP+136PP $9,221 $10,437 $11,548 $13,263 $20,166 $25,381
cover 260G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 1500 pcs 2000 pcs 2500 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $3,312 $3,799 $4,257 $5,160 $6,722 $7,921 $9,171 $10,301
4PP+40PP $4,217 $4,715 $5,178 $6,114 $7,829 $9,183 $10,860 $12,035
4PP+48PP $4,248 $4,804 $5,358 $6,441 $8,792 $10,284 $11,464 $12,887
4PP+56PP $4,967 $5,544 $6,153 $7,255 $9,327 $10,943 $12,336 $13,934
4PP+64PP $4,998 $5,632 $6,333 $7,556 $9,778 $11,523 $12,984 $14,712
4PP+72PP $5,943 $6,672 $7,462 $8,788 $11,219 $13,329 $15,268 $17,089
4PP+80PP $5,974 $6,787 $7,642 $9,127 $12,162 $14,405 $15,946 $17,926
4PP+88PP $6,693 $7,553 $8,437 $9,929 $12,688 $15,144 $16,658 $18,955
4PP+96PP $6,724 $7,667 $8,617 $10,230 $13,130 $15,725 $17,292 $19,717
4PP+104PP $7,629 $8,610 $9,580 $11,098 $14,245 $16,822 $18,948 $21,443
4PP+112PP $7,660 $8,724 $9,770 $11,435 $15,177 $17,875 $19,613 $22,275
4PP+120PP $8,379 $9,490 $10,555 $12,218 $15,704 $18,602 $20,471 $23,300
4PP+128PP $8,410 $9,605 $10,735 $12,512 $16,146 $19,171 $21,047 $24,058
4PP+136PP $9,316 $10,547 $11,698 $13,478 $17,097 $20,436 $22,699 $25,836
cover 300G 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs
4PP+32PP $3,237 $3,724 $4,157 $5,030 $7,751 $10,001
4PP+40PP $4,142 $4,640 $5,078 $5,984 $9,013 $11,735
4PP+48PP $4,173 $4,729 $5,258 $6,311 $10,114 $12,587
4PP+56PP $4,892 $5,469 $6,053 $7,125 $10,773 $13,634
4PP+64PP $4,923 $5,557 $6,233 $7,426 $11,353 $14,412
4PP+72PP $5,868 $6,597 $7,362 $8,658 $13,159 $16,789
4PP+80PP $5,899 $6,712 $7,542 $8,997 $14,235 $17,626
4PP+88PP $6,618 $7,478 $8,337 $9,799 $14,974 $18,655
4PP+96PP $6,649 $7,592 $8,517 $10,100 $15,555 $19,417
4PP+104PP $7,554 $8,535 $9,480 $10,968 $16,652 $21,143
4PP+112PP $7,585 $8,649 $9,670 $11,305 $17,705 $21,975
4PP+120PP $8,304 $9,415 $10,455 $12,088 $18,432 $23,000
4PP+128PP $8,335 $9,530 $10,635 $12,382 $19,001 $23,758
4PP+136PP $9,241 $10,472 $11,598 $13,348 $20,266 $25,536

Available processing

Foil Stamping
Foil Stamping
Round Cornering
Round Cornering

Available paper

White Woodfre
White Woodfre
( 260g )
Gloss Art Paper
Gloss Art Paper
( 128g / 157g)
Woodfree Paper
Woodfree Paper
( 80g / 100g / 120g / 140g )
Double-Sided Coated Art Paper
Double-Sided Coated Art Paper
( 210g / 250g / 300g )
Matt Art Paper
Matt Art Paper
( 128g )


1.The inside pages of the Offset Printing Wire-O Booklet can be applied to 128g and 157g Gloss Art Paper, 80g, 100g ,120g Woodfree Paper.(The inside pages of the above price list only apply to 128g Gloss Art Paper)
2.The double wire-o of Notebook used are black or white in color
3.Please keep 12mm area for punching
4.Notebook may select round corner(6mm round corner on turning side)
5.Size of wire-o would be adjust by book weight
6.Number of printing page would depends on page material. If ordering booklet which thick insider page , please contact our staff for quote.
7.Notebook can ONLY be applied to the standard sizes as mentioned above; all standard Notebook die-cutters can be downloaded at “Download” in the company website
8.Finishing items could be applied to Notebook, additional charges for finishing items
9.Please visit our branches for more product information

Lead Time

6 working days
*Collecting from branches + 1 working day
(*Except for items with finishing, start from the date when customers confirm the proof)


Yes, you can choose booklet printing for your novels, e-print provides different kinds of booklet printing, such as Saddle Stitching Booklet, Perfect Binding Booklet and Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet. For special paper, please provide details for further quotation.
Most of the basic finishing items are suitable for e-print booklet printing, such as hot stamping, lamination, spot UV and etc. For other special finishings, please send us details for quotation.
The size of the booklets printing at e-print is not limited to our standard size A4, A5 and A6. You can also customize the size, please specify the size when ordering.
In addition to online paper previews, we offer physical paper samples. You are welcome to visit our branch and request them.
There are some information about the spine of the booklet at e-print perfect binding booklet, please refer the page for reference before output.
Yes, please provide details (shape and thickness of the pocket) for further quotation.

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