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Digital Printing Services

Post-Secondary Student Discount

Click: 2599 Announce Date: 2018-07-01


1. Matt Laminated Card 11. Fancy Greeting Card 21. Wire-o Booklet (Digital)
2. White Woodfree Card 12. Offset Perfect Binding Booklet 22. Hardcover booklet
3. 3D Spot UV Card 13. Notebook (Digital/Offset) 23. Postcards (Digital/Offset)
4. Digital Business Card/Fancy Card 14. Parallel Fold Long Leaflets(Digital/Offset) 24. Paper Folders
5. Leaflets(Digital/Offset) 15. Saddle Stitching Booklet(Digital) 25. Canvas Bag / Tote Bag
6. Certificate 16. Custom Desk Calendar 26.  Paper Bag
7. Posters 17. Desk Calendar 27.  Non-Woven Bag
8. Coupons / Tickets 18. Wall Calendar  
9. Stickers / Digital Stickers 19. Calendar Cards  
10. Transfer Stickers & Decals 20. Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet (Digital)  
*The Offer excludes any finishing items, Value Added Services, any Express Service products, any transportation, proofing fees and any additional charges.

How To Apply

Simple 3 steps to get a student discount!


"Register" to become a student member


Select "Student"as a customer type


Fill in the information and Submit! DONE!

*The discount will be applied when you place your order through Self-Service Platform. You must present a valid student ID for verification before pick up the order.
*If you need to extend your student offer, please get in touch with our WhatsApp Customer Service.

Term and Condition

  • The offer applies to selected products only.
  • The Offer excludes any finishing items, Value Added Services, Express Service products,  transportation, proofing fees and any additional charges.
  • If the registered account is no longer eligible for the e-print Post-Secondary Student Offer or is not renewed, the offer will be automatically terminated.
  • The offer is only applicable to full-time students of designated institutions in Hong Kong who own a valid student identity card. The offer is valid until the end of the semester.
  • Valid registered student ID must be presented before pick up. In case of unsuccessful identity verification, applicants are required to pay the difference in the amount of the offer before picking up the orders.
  • No cancellation, refund or replacement will be accepted for any reason once the order is confirmed.
  • The offer is only applicable to designated institutions. Applicant are not allowed to make use of this offer for any commercial activities or printing of non-undergraduate printed materials, and if any such cases are found, e-print reserves the right to claim the difference of the offer.
  • The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers and discounts.
  • The offer is not transferable to any third party. If any irregularity is found; or if false information is provided, e-print reserves the right to cancel the applicant's entitlement to this offer and reserves the right to pursue any action.
  • If the applicant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the offer, e-print reserves the right to cancel the applicant's right to enjoy the offer.
  • e-print reserves the rights of final decision, including suspending, terminating, or changing details of the promotion and its terms and conditions without prior notice.
  • Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of these terms and conditions, theChinese version shall prevail.

Eligible Universities/Colleges list

The offer applies to current or enrolled full-time students of the following universities and institutions in Hong Kong.

• City University of Hong Kong (CUHK) • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology • Centennial College
• Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) • Hong Kong Metropolitan University • Gratia Christian College
• Lingnan University • Hong Kong Shue Yan University • Hong Kong Chu Hai College
• The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK) • The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) • Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education
• The Education University of Hong Kong (EDUHK) • Saint Francis University • UOW College Hong Kong (UOWCHK)
• Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts(HKAPA) • Vocational Training Counci(VTC) • Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
• The University of Hong Kong(HKU) • Tung Wah College • Others Self-financing Post-secondary Education*
• The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) • Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT)