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Hong Kong blood inventories hover at low level while numerous patients need blood transfusion to sustain life everyday. Meanwhile, there is no substitute for blood which also has an expiry date from storage. As one of the contributor to help to ensure sufficient and fresh blood supply for medical treatment, e-print held “e-print x e-banner Blood Donation Day” in responding to the appeal of Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS), to encourage staff to take initiative to give blood and save life.
On 9th October, numerous staffs actively supported the e-print x e-banner Blood Donation Day and came to Kwun Tong Donor Centre together. Many of them successfully passed the health scanning and haemoglobin test for blood donation.
The Hong Kong Red Cross BTS is the only public institution providing blood to all hospitals, public and private in Hong Kong. After years of public education through different channels, the awareness and importance of blood donation in the society has been strengthened. BTS will continue to recruit more voluntary blood donors to ensure an adequate and safe blood supply in Hong Kong.
e-print and e-banner staffs encouraged more friends to have blood donation.
They successfully passed the health scanning and haemoglobin test for blood donation.
Staffs actively took initiative to give blood and save life.